They’ll put either banner or text ads.The banners are in two sizes: 468 x 60 and 300 x 250.
That means prime positions of your site will show their ad.
You’ll be allotted your site once your request is reviewed.If you’ve some experience as a webmaster, then you have the better chance to get your site.
Even after getting your free site you’ll have to fulfill some conditions so that your account is not terminated.
1.Allotted domain must be active and must generate the required traffic.
2.Website must generate minimum traffic of 100 page views per day or 3000 page views on a monthly average.
You will be given a 45 day grace period to generate this traffic after website allocation.
The number of ads put on your site will depend on the traffic.The more traffic, the less ads.If the page view per day is greater than 100 then two banner ads will be put.If the page view per day is less than 100 then four banner ads will be put.
If you do not meet the minimum traffic requirements your account can be deactivated.
This is not a bad deal,considering 100 page views per day is very much achievable.
While the user has complete right on the content on the domain allocated to him,the domain is registered in the name of free provider.
Well,I'm too busy to run one more site.But ,if you feel the deal is good for you then give it a try.
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